A New Control Strategy for Three- Phase Inverter Applied To Induction Motor of Micro Grid
M Rakesh||V Krupakar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 3 (March 2015)
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The Distributed Generation can be done with linear and non linear loads in the previous papers but not the electrical drives. And the issue is addressed by proposing an induction motor as load that enables micro grid application. The control strategy used here is unified control strategy which is used for fast modes changing responses by using three phase inverter to generate pulses with the help of pulse width modulation. The load wave forms of the induction motor parameters were absorbed in different modes of distributed generation. Finally this paper proposes how an induction motor can work in different modes of operation in distributed generation and the proposed control strategy is validated by the simulation
KEY WORD: Distributed generation (DG), unified control, pulse width modulation (PWM), Induction motor(IM), three-phase inverter

Design and Simulation of superconducting fault current limiter
M Sandeep|| T Swapna
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 3 (March 2015)
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In this paper, Interruptions to supply and sags of distribution system voltage are the main aspects causing customer complaints. There is a need for analysis of supply reliability and voltage sag to relate system performance with network structure and equipment design parameters. This analysis can also give prediction of voltage dips, as well as relating traditional reliability and momentary outage measures to the properties of protection systems and to network impedances. Existing reliability analysis software often requires substantial training, lacks automated facilities, and suffers from data availability. Thus it requires time-consuming manual intervention for the study of large networks. Distribution system reliability can be divided into two aspects: system adequacy and system security. Adequacy describes the normal state capability of the system to supply customer demands. Security describes the ability of the system to continue to supply the customer in spite of faults in the network. In this paper, the improvement of the voltage sag is analyzed according to the fault location, resistance value of SFCL, and the length of the loop power distribution system. First, a resistor-type SFCL model is used using the MATLAB/SIMULINK. Next, the loop power distribution system is modeled. Finally, when the SFCL is installed in the radial or loop power distribution system with various lengths, voltage sags are evaluated according to various fault locations. The results of voltage sag analysis in the loop system are compared with the voltage sags in radial power distribution system.
In extension to the work discussed in paper the system can be tested under different fault conditions and a study on positioning of super conducting fault current limiter can be analyzed. And also SFCL is replaced with FCL.
KEY WORD: Loop power distribution system, superconduct-ing fault current limiter (SFCL), voltage sag.

A New Bidirectional DC-DC converter For Electric Vehicles Applications
P Ananda Mohan || J ranga
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 3 (March 2015)
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Hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles use electricity as their primary fuel or to improve the efficiency of conventional vehicle design. HEVs are powered by an internal combus¬tion engine or other propulsion source that runs on conventional or alternative fuel and an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery. HEVs combine the benefits of high fuel economy and low emissions with the power and range of conventional vehicles. PHEVs are powered by conventional fuels and by electrical energy stored in a battery. Using electricity from the grid to charge the battery some of the time costs less and reduces petroleum consumption compared with conventional vehicles. PHEVs can also reduce emissions, depending on the electricity source. In this paper the proposed converter interfaces the energy storage device of the vehicle with the motor drive and the external charger, in case of PHEVs. The proposed converter is capable of operating in all directions in buck or boost modes with a non inverted output voltage (positive output voltage with respect to the input) and bidirectional power flow,and finally the proposed Power Interface is Fed to a Switched Reluctance Motor Drive and the performance is analyzed. The software used for this project is MATLAB-9
KEY WORD: Bidirectonal DC/DC convertrs,electric vehicles,energy storage system,HEV,PHEV.

Analysis Of 2-Level And 3-Level Inverter Fed Direct Torque Control Of Induction Motor Drive.
T Swapna||M Rakesh
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 3 (March 2015)
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AC drives are more predominant than dc drives. Ac drives require control of frequency, current and voltage for variable-speed applications. The difference between the traditional vector control and the DTC is that the DTC has no fixed switching pattern. The DTC switches the inverter according to the load needs. Though conventional DTC (CDTC) is simple, easy to implement generates substantial steady state ripples in torque and flux and acoustical noise. Also, with CDTC the switching frequency is not maintained constant. In recent years several PWM techniques were developed to reduce the steady state ripple and to get the constant switching frequency.CSVPWM results in higher line side voltage and less line current harmonic distortion than sine triangle PWM with constant switching frequency.CSVPWM-based DTC could eliminate some tribulations that are with the CDTC, such as steady state ripples in torque and flux, variable switching frequency, etc., at higher line side voltages.This paper discusses the implementation of a high-performance direct torque control (DTC) of induction machine drive using SVPWM technique for two level and three level inverter and results are compared. The software used for this project is MATLAB/SIMULINK.

Soft Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications
B Rajesh|| M Sandeep
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 3 (March 2015)
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This paper explained about switching losses in prescribed circuit. Batteries are the primary energy-storage devices in ground vehicles. Now-a-days battery fed electric drives are commonly being used for electric vehicles Applications, due to various advantages, such as nearly zero emission, guaranteed load levelling, good transient operation and energy recovery during braking operation. To full fill these requirements converters with bidirectional power flow capabilities are required To connect the accumulator (battery) to the dc link of the motor drive system .In the present work closed loop operation of bi directional dc-dc converter feeding a dc series motor. Bi-directional dc-dc converter having some switching Losses.so we have to reduce these switching losses by using Soft switching technique .The confirmation of circuits operation and waveforms, measurement ofconversionefficiency, and loss analysis are verified using of MATLAB.
KEY WORD:LLC resonant converter, soft switching, zvs and zcs, boost chopper circuit